Document Conversion/Standardization

Do you have an important document or set of precedents that appear to be corrupt or are unpredictable? Are you converting from WordPerfect and do not have the time to convert your documents properly? Or are you looking to create firm standards so that all of your documents are stable, formatted consistently and look professional?

Let us clean up your documents and make them stable, then we can teach you how to work with and maintain them.

Key Benefits

  • We will stabilize your documents using your company's formatting standards.
  • Don't waste time trying to fix important documents yourself - have them done right the first time!
  • Eliminate the frustration of working with improperly formatted documents.

New Court Forms

Have immediate access to the new court forms created under the new Rules (as of January 1, 2011).  These forms contain proper formatting and paragraph numbering that are easy to use and maintain.

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